All costs include hospitalizations, operating block suite, anaesthetists and surgical fees, possible materials, post operational follow up.


Breast implants 3 800 / 4 200 euros
Breast reconstruction 3 500 / 4 500 euros
Abdominal wall reconstruction 3 200 / 4 200 euros
Liposuction :depending of the number of aspired areas 1 500 / 4 000 euros



Eyelids 2 000 / 4 000 euros
Face/ neck / forehead lift 6 000 / 9 000 euros
Noze 3 000 / 4 000 euros
"Fill in" flat injection 1 500 / 5 000 euros
Wrinkle resurfacing Laser 1 500 / 4 000 euros
Ears surgery 1 200 euros



Botulinic Toxin Injections (BOTOX, VISTABEL): depending of the number of treated areas 380 / 550 euros
Hyaluronic Acid injections: depending on the number of injected ml 250 / 750 euros